Welcome to the Best Practices Forum.
If you have an idea, program, model law or an innovative process that has worked exceptionally well in your community and you would like to share it with your colleagues, please submit it here. You can also include ideas from communities outside of Ulster County that you may be aware of. Please be sure to include links to any web based information.
To submit a best practice story from your municipality, email it to municipalbestpractices[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us
Please provide the following information when submitting your Municipal Best Practices:
- Submitted by (name of person & municipality/organization)
- Category of Submission (local law, process, policy, etc.)
- Brief Description
- Primary Problem/Challenge/Opportunity Addressed
- Approximate Cost and Timeframe to Implement
- Other participating Strategic Partners/Parties
- Cost Savings Realized (if any)
- Results
- Contact for further details/more information (include phone and email address)